The DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) A1 exam tests basic French language proficiency. It is aligned with the A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). At this level, candidates are expected to understand and use everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at meeting concrete needs. Here’s an overview of the DELF A1 syllabus:

### 1. **Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l’oral)**

   – **Duration**: 20 minutes

   – **Tasks**: 

     – Listening to short recordings related to daily life, such as announcements, instructions, or conversations.

     – The recordings are played twice.

   – **Skills Tested**:

     – Understanding familiar words and basic phrases.

     – Comprehension of short and clear speech on everyday topics (e.g., shopping, family, personal interests).

### 2. **Reading Comprehension (Compréhension des écrits)**

   – **Duration**: 30 minutes

   – **Tasks**: 

     – Reading simple texts such as advertisements, instructions, brochures, and postcards.

     – Questions typically involve identifying specific information or understanding the main ideas.

   – **Skills Tested**:

     – Ability to read and understand short, simple messages, signs, or written instructions.

     – Recognizing essential information in short passages.

### 3. **Written Production (Production écrite)**

   – **Duration**: 30 minutes

   – **Tasks**: 

     – Writing simple sentences, notes, or messages, such as filling in forms or writing a postcard.

     – The tasks involve writing about personal information, daily routines, or describing familiar subjects.

   – **Skills Tested**:

     – Basic writing skills, such as using correct grammar and sentence structure for everyday situations.

     – Ability to produce very simple personal correspondence.

### 4. **Oral Production (Production orale)**

   – **Duration**: 5 to 7 minutes (one-on-one interaction)

   – **Tasks**:

     – **Guided Conversation**: Responding to questions about personal information (e.g., introducing yourself, talking about your family, daily routines).

     – **Exchange of Information**: Engaging in a role-play, such as asking for directions or buying something at a store.

   – **Skills Tested**:

     – Speaking about basic personal topics in a simple, clear manner.

     – Participating in very basic, rehearsed conversations about familiar topics.

### Key Grammar Points for DELF A1

   – **Articles**: Definite (le, la, les), indefinite (un, une, des).

   – **Nouns and Adjectives**: Agreement in gender and number.

   – **Pronouns**: Subject pronouns (je, tu, il, etc.), direct and indirect object pronouns.

   – **Verbs**: Present tense of regular (-er, -ir, -re) and some irregular verbs, basic past tense (passé composé), near future (futur proche).

   – **Prepositions**: Basic prepositions of place (à, dans, sur, sous, etc.).

   – **Negation**: ne… pas, ne… jamais.

   – **Question Forms**: Using est-ce que, inversion, and intonation for questions.

### Vocabulary Themes for DELF A1

   – **Personal information**: Name, age, nationality, address.

   – **Daily life**: Days of the week, months, weather, time, routine activities.

   – **Shopping**: Prices, items, and transactions.

   – **Family and friends**: Describing relationships and family members.

   – **Leisure activities**: Hobbies, preferences.

   – **Travel and transport**: Directions, asking for information.

   – **Food and drinks**: Ordering in a café or restaurant.

   – **Health**: Basic medical vocabulary.

### Exam Structure

   – **Total Duration**: Around 1 hour and 20 minutes.

   – **Total Marks**: 100 points.

   – **Passing Marks**: A minimum of 50 points is required to pass, with no section scoring below 5 points.

This syllabus is designed to assess basic French communication skills for practical everyday use.





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