Category: GRAMMAR

  • Présent

    1. I walk to work every day. 2. She likes to read books. 3. They play soccer on weekends. 4. He eats breakfast at 7 am. 5. We study English together. 6. The sun rises in the east. 7. Cats chase mice. 8. Birds sing in the morning. 9. I work in an office. 10.…

  • S’engager

    50 examples of the verb “s’engager”.

  • Indefinites 

    Quelques phrases avec “quelques” 1. Il y a quelques pommes dans le panier. 2. J’ai besoin de quelques minutes pour terminer cette tâche. 3. Nous avons rencontré quelques difficultés lors de la mise en place du projet. 4. Il reste quelques places disponibles pour le concert. 5. J’ai acheté quelques livres lors de ma visite…

  • Alphabets

    Accent alphabets l’accent aigu (acute accent) – é l’accent grave (grave accent) – à, è, ù la cédille (cedilla) – ç l’accent circonflexe (circumflex) – â, ê, î, ô, û l’accent tréma (trema) – ë, ï, ü

  • SI

    —————————————————————— —————————————————————— Certainly! In French, si (if) sentences can be combined in various ways to express different conditions and outcomes. Here are some common combinations: These combinations allow for expressing various conditions, possibilities, and outcomes in French using si sentences. ——————————————————— In French, the si conditional, also known as the conditional clause, is used to…

  • Quantity Adverb

    “Certains” (some): “Plusieurs” (several): “Beaucoup” (many/a lot): “Peu” (few/little): “Tout” (all/every): “Autant” (as much/many): —————————————————————— Peu: ——————————————————————


    _*Pronom COD (Complément d’Objet Direct):*_ (A direct object pronoun replaces the direct object in a sentence, which is the noun or noun phrase directly affected by the action of the verb.) _*Pronom COI (Complément d’Objet Indirect):*_ (An indirect object pronoun replaces the indirect object in a sentence, which is the noun or noun phrase indirectly…

  • Types Of Adverbs

    1:Aussi (also) 2:Bien (well) 3:Beaucoup (a lot) 4:Toujours (always) 5:Jamais (never) 6:Vite (quickly) 7:Mal (badly) 8:Lentement (slowly) 9:Très (very) 10:Dehors (outside) 11:Ici (here) 12:Là (there) 13:Souvent (often) 14:Maintenant (now) 15:Peut-être (perhaps) 16:D’abord (first) 17:Ensuite (then/next) 18:Près (near) 19:Fortement (strongly) 20:Soudainement (suddenly) ——————————————————— Types of adverbs Adverbs of Manner: Describe how an action is performed. For…

  • Determiners

    DEFINITION: En français, les déterminants sont des mots qui précèdent un nom pour le déterminer ou le spécifier. Ils sont similaires aux déterminants en anglais et peuvent inclure des articles définis (comme “le,” “la,” “les”), des articles indéfinis (“un,” “une,” “des”), des démonstratifs (“ce,” “cette,” “ces,” “ceux”), des possessifs (“mon,” “ton,” “son,” “notre,” “votre,” “leur”),…

  • Demonstrative Adjective

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