The DELF A2 (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) is an official diploma issued by the French Ministry of Education, which certifies a basic level of French language proficiency according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The A2 level builds upon the A1 level and signifies an elementary level of proficiency in everyday language tasks.

DELF A2 Syllabus Overview:

1. Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l’Oral)

  • Objective: Understanding simple, spoken French in familiar contexts.
  • Topics:
    • Basic conversations about everyday life (e.g., family, work, hobbies)
    • Simple instructions or announcements (in public places like stations, stores, etc.)
    • Understanding details in brief messages (appointments, time, date, location)
    • Comprehension of short dialogues and monologues about familiar situations.
  • Duration: 20-25 minutes
  • Test Format:
    • Listening to a maximum of three short recordings (each played twice)
    • Answering multiple-choice or short-answer questions

2. Reading Comprehension (Compréhension des Écrits)

  • Objective: Understanding simple written texts on familiar topics.
  • Topics:
    • Personal letters, emails, or notes (e.g., invitations, messages, requests)
    • Short newspaper articles or advertisements
    • Public notices and informational brochures
    • Simple descriptions of events or people
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Test Format:
    • Reading two to three texts
    • Answering multiple-choice or short-answer questions based on comprehension

3. Speaking (Production Orale)

  • Objective: Engaging in simple spoken communication, both in dialogues and individual speech.
  • Topics:
    • Personal introductions (name, nationality, job, hobbies)
    • Describing everyday routines, family, and personal experiences
    • Asking and answering questions on familiar topics
    • Engaging in basic transactional dialogues (e.g., at the shop, in a restaurant)
    • Giving simple advice or making suggestions
  • Duration: 6-8 minutes
  • Test Format:
    • Guided conversation: Simple questions and answers
    • Information exchange: Engaging in a role-play based on a given scenario (e.g., asking for information, buying something)
    • Monologue: Describing a situation or experience based on a prompt

4. Writing (Production Écrite)

  • Objective: Producing simple, structured written communication.
  • Topics:
    • Writing short letters, emails, or notes (e.g., invitations, thank you notes, informal complaints)
    • Writing simple descriptions (about family, daily life, plans)
    • Filling out basic forms with personal information
    • Writing a short narrative (e.g., describing an event, a holiday)
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Test Format:
    • Writing a short personal message or letter (60-80 words)
    • Writing a simple descriptive or narrative paragraph (80-100 words)

5. Grammar and Vocabulary (Lexique et Grammaire)

  • Objective: Applying basic grammatical structures and vocabulary in familiar contexts.
  • Key Grammar Points:
    • Present, past (passé composé), and future (futur proche) tenses
    • Articles (definite, indefinite, partitive)
    • Pronouns (subject, object, possessive, and reflexive pronouns)
    • Adjectives (placement, agreement in gender and number)
    • Common prepositions (à, de, en, chez)
    • Negative sentences (ne… pas, ne… jamais, ne… rien)
    • Basic connectors (et, mais, parce que, donc)
  • Key Vocabulary:
    • Family, professions, and personal relationships
    • Food, shopping, and ordering at a restaurant
    • Daily activities, hobbies, and leisure
    • Traveling, directions, and public transportation
    • Health and basic medical vocabulary
    • Numbers, time, dates, and weather

Exam Structure Summary:

  • Listening Comprehension: 20-25 minutes, with multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
  • Reading Comprehension: 30 minutes, with multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
  • Speaking: 6-8 minutes, consisting of a guided conversation, role-play, and short monologue.
  • Writing: 45 minutes, with short messages, letters, and simple descriptions.

Study Tips:

  • Listening Practice: Use beginner French podcasts or French radio stations for exposure to basic spoken language.
  • Speaking Practice: Engage in conversation practice with native speakers or language exchange partners.
  • Grammar Drills: Focus on mastering the passé composé and futur proche tenses, and work on using pronouns accurately.
  • Writing Exercises: Write short messages or letters to practice structuring sentences and paragraphs.
  • Reading: Read simple French articles, brochures, or blogs for vocabulary expansion and comprehension practice.





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