Behavioural Genetics

By selective breeding – we get inheritance of traits.

Gaalton said – Nature is genetics, nurture is surroundings.
Nature was the predominant source, but nurture is also important.  

Plato, the first known on eugenics, In trying to design his ideal society, tried to identify the best males and best females, should be allowed to mate. He called it as marriage function. (Aristotle, he didn’t think that they should mate, but he talked about that).

Plato, the first known on eugenics, In trying to design his ideal society, tried to identify the best males and best females, should be allowed to mate. He called it as marriage function. (Aristotle, he didn’t think that they should mate, but he talked about that).

Shakesphere, hereditarian – Nature and nature debate, 1st time in the history.
« A devil, a born devil, on whose nature Nurture can stick… »
– The tempest. On Caliban. 





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