TEF B2 syllabus

TEF B2 is a French language proficiency exam that corresponds to the upper intermediate level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It assesses your ability to communicate effectively in French in various academic and professional contexts.

Exam Components

The TEF B2 exam consists of four parts:

  1. Compréhension Orale (Listening):
    • Listening to various recordings and answering comprehension questions.
    • Topics include lectures, interviews, and news reports.
  2. Compréhension Écrite (Reading):
    • Reading texts and answering comprehension questions.
    • Texts may include academic articles, business reports, and legal documents.
  3. Expression Orale (Speaking):
    • Engaging in a discussion with an examiner on various topics, such as current events, social issues, and professional fields.
  4. Expression Écrite (Writing):
    • Writing an essay or report on a given topic.
    • Topics may include summarizing and analyzing information from various sources.

Key Topics and Skills

The TEF B2 exam assesses your knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Grammar:
    • Complex sentence structures
    • Subjunctive mood
    • Passive voice
    • Conditionals
    • Idiomatic expressions
  • Vocabulary:
    • Academic and professional terminology
    • Cultural references
    • Specialized vocabulary related to various fields
  • Communication Skills:
    • Expressing complex ideas and arguments
    • Analyzing and summarizing information
    • Participating in discussions and debates
    • Writing clear and concise texts

Preparation Tips

To prepare for the TEF B2 exam, consider the following:

  • Practice regularly: Engage in regular French language practice through reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
  • Focus on key topics: Pay attention to the grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills that are assessed in the exam.
  • Take practice tests: Simulate exam conditions by taking practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format and time constraints.
  • Seek professional guidance: Consider enrolling in a TEF B2 preparation course or working with a French tutor.





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