The **TEF (Test d’Évaluation de Français) A1** level assesses basic proficiency in the French language, equivalent to the **CEFR A1** level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). At this stage, the learner should be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases.

### TEF A1 Syllabus Overview:

Here’s a breakdown of the areas that are typically covered in the TEF A1 exam:

#### 1. **Listening Comprehension (Compréhension Orale)**

   – **Objective**: Understanding basic spoken language (simple sentences, instructions, and questions in familiar contexts).

   – **Topics**:

     – Personal introductions

     – Basic interactions (asking for directions, shopping)

     – Time, dates, numbers, and prices

     – Simple phrases related to family, work, shopping, and immediate surroundings

     – Basic questions in public places (e.g., train station, café)

   – **Duration**: 15-20 minutes

#### 2. **Reading Comprehension (Compréhension Écrite)**

   – **Objective**: Understanding simple written texts (short messages, instructions, or everyday signs).

   – **Topics**:

     – Simple advertisements or announcements

     – Short personal messages or letters

     – Basic brochures or timetables

     – Recognizing common forms of notices (e.g., “closed”, “open”, etc.)

     – Basic understanding of forms (personal details)

   – **Duration**: 30-40 minutes

#### 3. **Speaking (Expression Orale)**

   – **Objective**: Engaging in simple spoken exchanges with a focus on pronunciation and fluency.

   – **Topics**:

     – Introducing oneself (name, age, nationality, profession)

     – Talking about daily routines (work, leisure)

     – Describing people or places

     – Asking and answering basic questions (about family, food, etc.)

     – Ordering food, shopping interactions

   – **Duration**: 5-10 minutes (includes an interview, role-play, or simple questions)

#### 4. **Writing (Expression Écrite)**

   – **Objective**: Producing simple written texts like short messages and basic descriptions.

   – **Topics**:

     – Writing a short note, postcard, or message (e.g., inviting someone, congratulating, etc.)

     – Filling out forms (with personal information)

     – Describing daily activities, family, or routine

     – Writing short descriptive paragraphs

   – **Duration**: 15-20 minutes

#### 5. **Grammar and Vocabulary (Lexique et Grammaire)**

   – **Objective**: Mastering basic grammar and building a core vocabulary.

   – **Key Grammar Points**:

     – Present tense of regular and some irregular verbs

     – Articles (definite, indefinite, partitive)

     – Pronouns (subject pronouns, possessive pronouns)

     – Simple question forms (Est-ce que, inversion)

     – Common prepositions (e.g., à, de, en)

     – Adjectives (position and agreement)

     – Numbers, dates, and time expressions

   – **Key Vocabulary**:

     – Basic greetings and polite expressions

     – Numbers, days of the week, months, seasons

     – Food and drink

     – Family and relationships

     – Clothing, colors, and weather

     – Basic work and job-related terms

     – Daily routine and time expressions

### Study Tips:

– **Practice listening**: Watch simple French videos or listen to podcasts designed for beginners.

– **Vocabulary building**: Use flashcards or language apps to memorize new words and phrases.

– **Speaking practice**: Find a language exchange partner or join a beginner’s conversation group.

– **Grammar exercises**: Work on conjugating verbs and forming simple sentences using present tense.





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