Types Of Adverbs

1:Aussi (also)

2:Bien (well)

3:Beaucoup (a lot)

4:Toujours (always)

5:Jamais (never)

6:Vite (quickly)

7:Mal (badly)

8:Lentement (slowly)

9:Très (very)

10:Dehors (outside)

11:Ici (here)

12:Là (there)

13:Souvent (often)

14:Maintenant (now)

15:Peut-être (perhaps)

16:D’abord (first)

17:Ensuite (then/next)

18:Près (near)

19:Fortement (strongly)

20:Soudainement (suddenly)


Types of adverbs

Adverbs of Manner: Describe how an action is performed. For example, rapidement (quickly) or bien (well).

Adverbs of Frequency: Indicate how often an action occurs. For instance, souvent (often) or parfois (sometimes).

Adverbs of Place: Specify the location of an action. Examples include ici (here) or ailleurs (elsewhere).

Adverbs of Time: Describe when an action takes place. Examples are maintenant (now) or tôt (early).

Adverbs of Quantity: Provide information about the extent or degree of an action. For example, beaucoup (a lot) or peu (little).

Adverbs of Negation: Express negation. Commonexamples are ne…pas (not), ne…jamais (never), and ne…rien (nothing).






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