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{"id":960,"date":"2024-04-30T17:42:14","date_gmt":"2024-04-30T17:42:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/\/?p=960"},"modified":"2024-05-01T11:55:53","modified_gmt":"2024-05-01T11:55:53","slug":"11th-communications","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/\/11th-communications\/","title":{"rendered":"11th \u2022 Communications"},"content":{"rendered":"
Le\u00e7on 1. \u00c0 la soir\u00e9e. P 1<\/strong> <\/mark>
At the party<\/mark><\/strong>
Saluer quelqu\u2019un
Greet someone \u2b50<\/strong>

Bonjour, monsieur\/ madame \/ mademoiselle.
(Hello, sir\/madam\/miss)

Bonsoir, monsieur \/ madame \/ mademoiselle.
(Good evening, sir\/madam\/miss)

Salut, Sellappan !
(Hello, Sellappan!)

Comment allez-vous ? Tr\u00e8s bien, merci. Et vous ?
(How are you ? Thank you. And you ?)

Vous allez bien ? Bien, merci.
(Are you doing well ? Thanks very much)

Tu vas bien ? \u00c7a va bien, merci. Et toi ?
(Are you doing well ? I’m fine, thank you. And you ?)

Comment \u00e7a va ? \u00c7a va. Et toi ?\u00a0
(How are you ? How are you\u202f? And you ?)

\u00c7a va ? Pas mal et toi ?\u00a0
(How are you ? Not bad and you ?)

Salut, tout va bien ?
(Hi everything is ok ?)


Pr\u00e9senter quelqu\u2019un
Introduce someone\u2b50<\/strong>

Tu connais ma cousine ?
(Do you know my cousin?)

Je te pr\u00e9sente ma cousine.
(Let me introduce you to my cousin)

Voici ma cousine.
(This is my cousin)


R\u00e9pondre \u00e0 une pr\u00e9sentation
Reply to a presentation\u2b50<\/strong>

Bonjour \/ Bonsoir
(Hello, good night)

(Nice to meet you)

Ravi(e) de vous conna\u00eetre.
(Pleased to meet you)


Se pr\u00e9senter
To present oneself\u2b50<\/strong>

Je suis Aditya.
(I am Aditya)

Je m\u2019appelle Divya.
(My name is Divya)

Permettez-moi de me pr\u00e9senter, je suis Sunil.
(Let me introduce myself, I am Sunil)

Bonsoir, on se conna\u00eet ?\u00a0
(Hello, we know each other ?)


Prendre cong\u00e9
Take leave\ud83c\udf1f<\/strong>

Au revoir, monsieur \/ madame \/ mademoiselle !
(Goodbye, sir\/madam\/miss!)

\u00c0 tout \u00e0 l\u2019heure.
(See you later)

\u00c0 plus tard.
(See you later)

\u00c0 bient\u00f4t.
(See you soon)

\u00c0 ce soir.\u00a0
(See you tonight)

\u00c0 samedi soir.
(See you Saturday evening)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 2. Qui est votre star ? p. 12<\/strong>
Who is your star?
Parler de ses favoris
Talk about your favorites\u2b50<\/strong>

Qui est ton acteur pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9 ? Mon acteur pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9, c\u2019est Vijay Sethupathi.
(Who is your favorite actor ? My favorite actor is Vijay Sethupathi)

Quel sport aimes-tu aimes-tu ? J\u2019aime beaucoup Cristiano Ronaldo.
(Which athlete do you like? I really like Cristiano Ronaldo)

Votre chanteuse favorite, c\u2019est qui ? Ma favorite, c\u2019est C\u00e9line Dion. Elle est canadienne.
(Who is your favorite singer? My favorite is Celine Dion. She is Canadian.)

Quel est ton \u00e9crivain pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9 ? Mon \u00e9crivain pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9,
c\u2019est JK Rowling. J\u2019adore ses livres.
(Who is your favorite writer? My favorite writer,\u00a0
It’s JK Rowling. I love her books.)


D\u00e9crire quelqu\u2019un
To describe someone\u2b50<\/strong>

Il (Elle) est grand(e) \/ petit(e)
(He\/She is tall\/small)

Il (Elle) est gros(se) \/ mince.
(He\/She is fat\/thin)

Il (Elle) a les cheveux noirs \/ blonds \/ bruns \/ roux \/ blancs.
(He (She) has black\/blond\/brown\/red\/white hair).

Il est chauve.
(He is bald)

Il a une moustache.
(He has a mustache)

Il \/ Elle est jeune.\u00a0
(He\/She is young)

Il \/ Elle vieux \/ vieille.
(He\/She is old)

Il (Elle) est sympa \/ amical \/ souriant(e) \/ antipathique \/ timide \/ renferm\u00e9(e)\/ gentil(e))
(He (She) is nice \/ friendly \/ smiling \/ unfriendly \/ shy \/ withdrawn \/ kind)

Il (Elle) est dr\u00f4le
(He (She) is funny)


Dire ce qu\u2019on aime
Say what you like\u2600\ufe0f<\/strong>

J\u2019adore la cuisine indienne
(I love Indian cuisine)

J\u2019aime beaucoup le Bharatanatyam.
(I really like Bharatanatyam)

J\u2019aime le sport \/ le cin\u00e9ma \/ les chansons indiennes
(I like sports \/ cinema \/ Indian songs)

J\u2019aime bien les romans tamouls.
(I like Tamil novels)

Je pr\u00e9f\u00e8re le pop am\u00e9ricain
(I prefer American pop)


Dire ce qu\u2019on n\u2019aime pas
Say what you don’t like\u2600\ufe0f<\/strong>

Je n\u2019aime pas beaucoup le cin\u00e9ma.\u00a0
(I don’t like cinema very much)

Je n\u2019aime pas tellement le football.
(I don’t like football that much)

Je n\u2019aime pas du tout le cricket.
(I don’t like cricket at all)

Je d\u00e9teste le sport.
(I hate the sport)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 3 D\u00e9couvrir une ville ? p.27
Discover a city?
Demander des directions
Ask for directions\u2b50<\/strong>

Pardon, pour aller au temple, s\u2019il vous pla\u00eet ?
(Sorry, to go to the temple, please?)

Pourriez-vous indiquer la direction pour aller au Louvre ?\u00a0
(Could you please indicate the direction to go at the Louvre ?)

Quel bus va au Mus\u00e9e de Bronze ?\u00a0
(Which bus goes to the Bronze Museum?)

A quelle gare on descend pour aller \u00e0 la rue Ranganathan ?
(At which station do we get off to go to Ranganathan?)


Donner des directions
Give directions\ud83c\udf1f<\/strong>

Vous prenez la premi\u00e8re rue \u00e0 gauche.
(You take the first street on the left)

Vous continuez tout droit jusqu\u2019\u00e0 l\u2019arr\u00eat d\u2019autobus.
(You continue straight until the bus stop)

Vous tournez \u00e0 droite.
(Are you turning right?)

Tu traverses le pont pr\u00e8s du Mus\u00e9e d\u2019Orsay
(You cross the bridge near the Mus\u00e9e d\u2019Orsay)


Exprimer son admiration
Expressing admiration\u2b50<\/strong>

L\u2019Inde est un pays int\u00e9ressant.
(India is an interesting country)

J\u2019aime beaucoup la culture indienne.
(I really like Indian culture)

Quel beau temple !(What a beautiful temple\u202f!)

Quelle architecture !\u00a0\u00a0
(What architecture\u202f!)


Exprimer son indiff\u00e9rence
Express indifference\ud83c\udf1f<\/strong>

Quel bruit !\u00a0(What noise !)

Quelle circulation effrayante !\u00a0\u00a0
(What frightening traffic\u202f!)

Tant de monde partout !\u00a0
(So many people everywhere\u202f!)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 4. Qu\u2019est-ce que vous prenez\u202f? p. 36
What do you take?
Demander ce qu\u2019on veut
Ask for what you want\u2600\ufe0f<\/strong>

Qu\u2019est-ce que vous voulez prendre pour le petit-d\u00e9jeuner ?
(What do you want to have for breakfast?)

Qu\u2019est-ce qu\u2019il veut boire ?
(What does he want to drink?)

Que voulez-vous manger ?
(What do you want to eat ?)


Dire ce qu\u2019on veut
Say what you want \u2600\ufe0f
Je veux prendre des idlis
(I want to have idlis)

Il veut prendre un peu de c\u00e9r\u00e9ales.
(He wants to have some cereal)

Nous voulons des dosas
(We want dosas)

Je veux du chocolat au lait.
(I want milk chocolate.)


Dire ce qu\u2019on ne veut pa
Say what you don\u2019t want \u2600\ufe0f
Maman, je ne veux pas d\u2019idlis.
(Mom,I don\u2019t want idlis)

Du riz, j\u2019en ai assez\u00a0
(Rice,I have enough)

Je ne veux pas prendre de riz
(I don\u2019t want to have rice)\u00a0

Nous ne voulons pas de chappatis.
(We don\u2019t want chapatis)

Elle ne veut pas boire de caf\u00e9 noir.
(She doesn\u2019t want to drink black coffee)\u00a0<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 5. Notre Patrimoine p. 48
Our heritage
Exprimer son admiration
Expressing admiration \ud83c\udf1f<\/strong>

Je trouve le temple magnifique \/ merveilleux \/ formidable \/ super !
(I find the temple magnificent\/ marvelous \/ formidable great )

Qu\u2019est-ce que c\u2019est beau !
(It\u2019s beautiful)

Que c\u2019est beau !
(How beautiful!)

Quelle architecture !
(What architecture!)

Le temple est un exemple exceptionnel de la civilisation tamoule.
(The temple is an exceptional example of Tamil civilization)


D\u00e9crire un lieu touristique
Describe a tourist place\u2600\ufe0f <\/strong>

Il est plus grand que l\u2019autre monument
(It is bigger than the other monument)

Ce temple est aussi beau que le temple de Darasuram
(This temple is as beautiful as the temple of Darasuram)

Il date du douzi\u00e8me si\u00e8cle.\u00a0
(It dates from the twelfth century)

Le temple repr\u00e9sente un exemple de l\u2019architecture de la dynastie Chola.
(The temple represents an example of the architecture of the Chola dynasty)

Les touristes \u00e9trangers commencent \u00e0 l\u2019appr\u00e9cier.\u00a0
(Foreign tourists are starting to appreciate it)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 6. Ma vie quotidienne ! p. 59
My daily life! <\/mark><\/strong>

Je me l\u00e8ve \u00e0 6h
(I get up at 6am.)

Je prends une douche et je pr\u00e9pare le petit-d\u00e9jeuner.\u00a0
(I take a shower and make breakfast)

Je d\u00e9pose mes enfants \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9cole.\u00a0
(I drop my children off at school)

Je commence \u00e0 pr\u00e9parer le d\u00e9jeuner \u00e0 11h.\u00a0
(I start preparing lunch at 11am.)

Je prends le d\u00e9jeuner \u00e0 13h30.\u00a0
(I have lunch at 1:30 p.m.)

Mes enfants rentrent de l\u2019\u00e9cole \u00e0 16h.
(My children come home from school at 4 p.m.)

Ils prennent un verre de lait et puis jouent une heure.\u00a0
(They have a glass of milk and then play for an hour)

J\u2019aide mes enfants \u00e0 finir leurs devoirs.\u00a0
(I help my children finish their homework)

Nous prenons le d\u00eener \u00e0 20h30.\u00a0
(We have dinner at 8:30 p.m.)

Mes enfants se couchent \u00e0 21h30.\u00a0
(My children go to bed at 9:30 p.m.)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 7. Faire des achats. p. 69
Dire ce qu\u2019on veut
Say what you want \u2b50<\/strong>

Je voudrais offrir un parfum \u00e0 une amie.\u00a0
(I would like to give a perfume to a friend)

Je veux un parfum qui n\u2019est pas lourd.\u00a0
(I want a perfume that isn’t heavy)

Je cherche un ordinateur de dernier mod\u00e8le.\u00a0
(I’m looking for a latest model computer)


Dire ce qu\u2019on n\u2019aime pas\u00a0
Say what you don’t like \u2600\ufe0f<\/strong>

Je n\u2019aime pas ce parfum. Il est tr\u00e8s fort.\u00a0
(I don’t like this perfume. He is very strong)

Je ne veux pas d\u2019eau de toilette.\u00a0
(I don’t want cologne)

Je n\u2019aime pas cet ordinateur. Il n\u2019est pas bon.\u00a0
(I don’t like this computer. He is not good)

Elle ne veut pas acheter cette valise.\u00a0
(She doesn’t want to buy this suitcase.)


Demander le prix\u00a0
Ask the price \u2b50<\/strong>

Il fait combien, cette eau de parfum ?\u00a0
(How much is this eau de parfum?)

\u00c7a fait combien, cette imprimante \u00e0 laser ?
(How much does this printer make? laser?)

Quel est le prix de ce portable ?\u00a0\u00a0
(What is the price of this laptop?)


Donner une excuse\u00a0
Give an excuse \u2b50<\/strong>

Je vais r\u00e9fl\u00e9chir et je reviendrai.\u00a0
(I’ll think about it and come back)

J\u2019h\u00e9site un peu. Je vais discuter avec mon ami.\u00a0
(I hesitate a little. I’m going to chat with my friend)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n
Le\u00e7on 8. Les moyens de transport p.79
Methods of transportation <\/mark><\/strong>

Demander des nouvelles
(Ask for news) \u2b50<\/strong>

Pourquoi as-tu pris le m\u00e9tro ?\u00a0
(Why did you take the metro?)

Pourquoi as-tu vendu ta voiture ?\u00a0
(Why did you sell your car?)

Quelle ligne de m\u00e9tro as-tu pris ?\u00a0\u00a0
(Which metro line did you take?)

A quelle heure as-tu pris le train ?\u00a0
(What time did you take the train?)

Pourquoi es-tu en retard ?\u00a0
(Why are you late ?)


Donner des raisons\u00a0
Give reasons \u2b50<\/strong>

J\u2019ai pris le train parce que j\u2019ai vendu ma voiture.\u00a0
(I took the train because I sold my car)

Elle a pris le train de 8h parce que…\u00a0
(She took the 8 a.m. train because\u2026)

Nous avons rat\u00e9 le train, c\u2019est\u00a0\u00a0
(We missed the train, it’s)

pourquoi nous sommes en retard.\u00a0
(Why are we late?)

J\u2019ai pris la ligne 4 parce que…\u00a0\u00a0
(I took line 4 because\u2026)

J\u2019ai pris le train \u00e0 9h, c\u2019est pourquoi…\u00a0
(I took the train at 9 a.m., that’s why\u2026)<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n

\u2014- Supported by R. DAKSHIN ADITHIYA  <\/p>\n\n\n\n

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Le\u00e7on 1. \u00c0 la soir\u00e9e. P 1 At the party Saluer quelqu\u2019unGreet someone \u2b50 Bonjour, monsieur\/ madame \/ mademoiselle.(Hello, sir\/madam\/miss) Bonsoir, monsieur \/ madame \/ mademoiselle.(Good evening, sir\/madam\/miss) Salut, Sellappan !(Hello, Sellappan!) Comment allez-vous ? Tr\u00e8s bien, merci. Et vous ?(How are you ? Thank you. And you ?) Vous allez bien ? Bien, merci.(Are […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"nf_dc_page":"","_monsterinsights_skip_tracking":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_active":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_note":"","_monsterinsights_sitenote_category":0,"_uf_show_specific_survey":0,"_uf_disable_surveys":false,"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":true,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[1],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-960","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-uncategorized"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"aioseo_notices":[],"yoast_head":"\n11th \u2022 Communications - https:\/\/\/home\/<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/\/11th-communications\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"11th \u2022 Communications - https:\/\/\/home\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Le\u00e7on 1. \u00c0 la soir\u00e9e. P 1 At the party Saluer quelqu\u2019unGreet someone \u2b50 Bonjour, monsieur\/ madame \/ mademoiselle.(Hello, sir\/madam\/miss) Bonsoir, monsieur \/ madame \/ mademoiselle.(Good evening, sir\/madam\/miss) Salut, Sellappan !(Hello, Sellappan!) Comment allez-vous ? Tr\u00e8s bien, merci. Et vous ?(How are you ? Thank you. And you ?) Vous allez bien ? 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